Dog Skijoring

Dog skijoring is a physical sport and it requires that the dogs engaged in this sport to be physically strong and healthy. It is because of the pulling movement that is why the dog needs to be strong. Training for this kind of sport is also very intense because of the journey both of the skier and the dogs will go through the race.


There are several techniques that are commonly used in this sport. These techniques are very important learn especially for beginners or novices. One of the most commonly used techniques is the faster skate skiing technique. This technique is almost used exclusively. Another commonly used technique is the classic diagonal stride cross-country technique. One thing to remember is that the skis should be hot waxed in order not to slow the team of dogs down.


Teaching and training your dog is also another technique. For you to be able to control the dogs whenever needed, you must teach them the classic dog sledding commands. You should also train them to obey these commands so that there will be no conflict. Hike is the command used for the dog to start running. For the dogs to turn, the commands used are gee and haw. Whoa is the command used for them to stop. Lastly, on by is the command used to pass distraction. These four commands are the classic dog sledding commands that your dog needs to learn and be trained for before entering this sport.


The techniques mentioned above are the basic things you and your dog need to know for both of you to be able to play the sport right. Both of you need to train these techniques together for both of you to develop an important skill which is teamwork.

Here are some sites to learn more about Dog Skijoring: