Playing Hide and Seek with your Dog


Instead of leaving your dog just eating and sleeping or basically doing nothing, it would be better if it was doing something that would make it healthy. Doing exercises is one way of doing something healthy.

Doing plain exercise will make your dog bored. So it is better to add a little fun in it by doing fun activities or playing fun games. 

Playing hide and seek is a fun game that will develop the mental ability of your pet. This is because it will be searching for a hidden item, so it would take your pet a lot of thinking on where to find the hidden item. This will also develop the ability to find items using the sense of smell of the dog. Playing this everyday or more often will improve the searching ability of your pet. The more games like these you play, the faster your dog can find the item missing.

Playing this game is pretty simple. You will just need an item to hide. Let the dog familiarize itself with the item by letting it smell the item, hide it and have your dog look for the item. For you to be able to track if your dog is improving in terms of searching for the item, record the time of every game from the start of the search until he finds the item. It is pretty simple but it is fun for your pet especially if there is a reward after finding the item like giving it an extra food or a cookie every time he successfully finds an item. 

Here are some links to other sites about playing fun games with your dog: